It is a blustery October morning, and the sun is hiding behind smoky clouds. The shadowy day was pale and chilly, yet I hoped to make a quick journey to the pumpkin patch. Because today, of course, is the Hauntingly Magical Celebration, hosted by A Fanciful Twist, and I needed some lovely pumpkins to adorn my home!
Pulling my cloak a bit closer about me, I made my way to the pumpkin patch. I knew a shortcut I could take... but I was a bit fearful. The old Haversford Cemetery had a reputation for shifting shadows and whispering trees, and the stories the locals told... But I was running late, and I reminded myself ghosts usually only rattled their chains at midnight, and it wasn't yet noon.
The rolling hills, dotted with their crumbling tombstones, was as silent as... the grave. Then a noise, whisper soft, made my heart beat faster. I peeked around a stately oak, and caught a glimpse of someone else making their way through the stones.
"Hello?" I called, but was answered only with a soft sigh of swishing branches as this mysterious wandered disappeared in a thicket of crimson leaves. Curious, I peered into the tangled branches.
A key, large and rusty, dangled from the branch, a mysterious invitation. Pumpkins forgotten, I reached for the key...
It had to belong to the cloaked figure I spied in the graveyard. I could just follow the path, the branches still quivering, to see where she had gone off to. Just to see if the key was indeed hers. The branches created a darkened tunnel, twisting and turning, until suddenly I stumbled into the open, and saw the House.
Large and stately, it loomed against the pale sky. A heard a door thud shut, but not before a soft laugh floated across the expanse. "Wait!" I cried, "I think I found your key?" I trotted up to the front porch, the echo of that laugh still ringing in my ears. I knocked on the door, but no one answered. I considered the key in my hand, and my curiosity overcame me.
The door opened without a sound, and I poked my head inside the darkened foyer. "Anyone home? Helloooooo..." I thought I heard footsteps above, and a dim light flickered above, making shadows play on the staircase in front of me.
I followed the elusive footsteps, and found myself in a small room, the only light filtering in through a lonely window...
But wait! There was a light in the corner.
A small table stood in the corner, and it looked as though a child had just left his play.
Little wooden blocks lay abandoned, and a magazine lay open to a charming little puzzle. I moved the blocks aside, wanting to see the little story...
A Halloween Party! So the owners of the house were having a party, too, perhaps! I glanced about, wondering where these elusive people might be. I went back to the door and listened - but the house was still. I turned back to study the puzzle...
..but that was strange. I don't think those blocks were stacked like that. A tinkling laugh from behind me sent shivers up my spine, and I decided I had seen enough of this room...
I went downstairs. I would just leave the key on the kitchen table, write a note, and get out of this house.
Back downstairs, I headed down the hall and found myself in a lovely sitting room.

A large fireplace looked lonely next to the forgotten chair, and I found myself wishing that a warm, crackling fire were lit. A glimmer of candles at the other end caught my eye. There was a table set up, and in the candlelight I could make out a stack of boxes. Presents, perhaps? It was looking more and more like a party was being planned.
But what kind of party? Black and white packages were nestled among the candles...
...and mysterious little books were tucked in among the boxes...
I looked up in the flickering candlelight, and let out a muffled scream - someone was there!
I let a sigh of relief. It was merely a statue. "Is that you, William?" For I recognized the bearded Bard, Shakespeare, and felt oddly comforted by his presence. A familiar face in this flickering darkness. But then the words from Macbeth came unbidden into my mind, and I found myself whispering into the darkened room, "By the pricking of my thumbs, something wicked this way comes..."
I gave a nervous giggle, and looked at ghostly companions keeping old William company...
These frightful but delightful pumpkins leered and grinned in the darkness, and I continued on into the house, calling out. "Hello? Anyone here?" Still no answer. "Trick or treat?" But still, no answer. A few more steps, and I found myself in what had to be the kitchen. The table was set, but no guests seemed to have arrived...
But this was the strangest kitchen I had ever seen. The shelves held dozens and dozens of tiny little glass bottles, all with very unusual labels...

Wing of Bat? Phoenix Tears? Ground Mummy? I decided, then and there, that it was time for me to leave.
"Ok, well, I am just going to leave your key here, ok?" I called out to the flickering darkness. "Have fun at your party..." I added, at a loss for what else to say to the empty house.
Thank you...
It was a whisper, softer than a sigh, and it was right behind me...
I dropped the key and ran out the back door, not looking back until I was safely out of the house. I turned for one last look. I heard music floating from the window.

Was that - no, could it be? I could hear the strains of "Monster Mash." I put my chilled hands in my pocket, and found a note. Heart beating, I unfolded the piece of parchment, and read:
Dinner is at seven o'clock
Laughing, I folded the note up, and made my way to the pumpkin patch. I was going to need more pumpkins for the pies I planned to bring to this fabulous party.

Pulling my cloak a bit closer about me, I made my way to the pumpkin patch. I knew a shortcut I could take... but I was a bit fearful. The old Haversford Cemetery had a reputation for shifting shadows and whispering trees, and the stories the locals told... But I was running late, and I reminded myself ghosts usually only rattled their chains at midnight, and it wasn't yet noon.
The rolling hills, dotted with their crumbling tombstones, was as silent as... the grave. Then a noise, whisper soft, made my heart beat faster. I peeked around a stately oak, and caught a glimpse of someone else making their way through the stones.

I went downstairs. I would just leave the key on the kitchen table, write a note, and get out of this house.
Back downstairs, I headed down the hall and found myself in a lovely sitting room.

A large fireplace looked lonely next to the forgotten chair, and I found myself wishing that a warm, crackling fire were lit. A glimmer of candles at the other end caught my eye. There was a table set up, and in the candlelight I could make out a stack of boxes. Presents, perhaps? It was looking more and more like a party was being planned.
I gave a nervous giggle, and looked at ghostly companions keeping old William company...

"Ok, well, I am just going to leave your key here, ok?" I called out to the flickering darkness. "Have fun at your party..." I added, at a loss for what else to say to the empty house.
Thank you...
It was a whisper, softer than a sigh, and it was right behind me...

Was that - no, could it be? I could hear the strains of "Monster Mash." I put my chilled hands in my pocket, and found a note. Heart beating, I unfolded the piece of parchment, and read:
Dinner is at seven o'clock
Laughing, I folded the note up, and made my way to the pumpkin patch. I was going to need more pumpkins for the pies I planned to bring to this fabulous party.
Thanks for stopping by! I hope you had a hauntingly good time :) I will be doing a random draw Monday morning (October 19) from the comments for a delightful prize!

Credits: In addition to my original artwork, photographs of house and empty rooms (and spooky ghost) are from Country Living Magazine and have been modified, spookized, and hauntified :)
What a great party! you did an *amazing* job! I love everything. Having so much fun visiting all the parties this morning.
You really put on the nines! Great job!
I laughed...I cried...I give it two thumbs up! Seriously though, great post and pictures!
Happy Halloween, Kelly
good morning Krissy, What fun!! You did an awesome job!! Thanks for the fun..
Oh if only that were my house I would be in witchy heaven!
Happy haunting halloween party!!!
WOW! Great party and thanks for the invite!
Great name by the way ;)
I had a magical time at your Halloween party. Thank you for having me!
Wow.....what an amazing and captivating story Kristen! I held on to every word and the display pictures are totally awesome! I see your cards shining through and they are beautiful! Great job!
Delightful and spooky! Such a lovely party. Where did you get your bottle labels? They are darling, especially the Belladonna one.
Happy Halloween and thank you for inviting me to your party :)
I made those spooky labels, and actually will have some up in my Etsy shop :) (after I have cleaned up from the party, of course)
Great story-telling and pictures.
WOW! What a wonderful adventure you took us on.
What a frightfully beautiful party- I had a wonderful time! Happy Haunting!
I love how you blended this all together. Thanks for partying!
~Autumn Clark
i loveeee your party - great decorations, love your potions - awesome job :D
What a great party! Thanks for sharing and inviting us all here on this wonderful Blog Event! Your decorations are to die for and the pictures...just fab! I really enjoyed my stay here. You really out did yourself here. Just AWESOME! Happy Halloween and Happy Fall!
Love this! Thanks for inviting me to your party. I'm having fun visiting everyone's party. Won't you stop by for tea and cakes later?
Hauntingly Yours...
Greetings Deary from the ancient land of Ireland where banshees comb their locks to ready themselves for a party like THIS!
Wugs (witchy Hugs) and a wish' May Magic Rage Within Your Little Heart'
wow, what a great story, and so well illustrated. love it!
I love this story! The house is so fabulously spooky! Thank you for a hauntingly good party!
I'm visiting from Beyond to celebrate the spookiest Halloween blog party ever! I hope you are having a fang-tastic time today! You are cordially invited to share in the celebration at my party HERE. I do hope you'll stop by!
Have a spook-tacular day!
What a wonderful lovely party - I had a great time.
Happy Halloween!
I love the spooky house! What fun!!
This is really well Done!!! And the music suits it perfect! My twins Birthday is on halloween, I SO Need YOU! I could never come up with something this amazig!
Wonderful shots! Happy Hallowe'en
Happy Halloween Party to you! :)
oooh I particularly enjoyed my time spent in the conservatory with dear William! Thank you for your hospitality! Please come visit at my party for more treats....if you haven't flown in already!
beauuuutiful photographs and story!
.oOo.☆♥ Maria-Thérèse parties at ♥☆.oOo.
Wonderful! I loved your party post! Truly loved the photos very spooky!
Happy Halloween,
thanks for the invite to this hauntingly nostalgic party! you put so much time, effore and heart into it, most delightful!
have a happy haunting halloween!
Ooh, you spin a haunting tale! Wonderful story and bewitching pictures. Thank you for inviting me to your party. I'm so glad I came. Have a magical weekend! Twyla
Fabulous post! I love the story and those lovely pictures too! Hope you are having a wonderful Halloween blog party!
Have a bootiful day!
Love the photos! You put your heart & soul into this! Love the witchy shoes!
I enjoyed my visit! <{:O)
Be Enchanted!
I love that scary kitchen.
What a wonderful Party- post.
I love your photos especially the ones with the bottles of potions and I love your shoes.
Have a great day
Thanks ever so much for stopping by to say hello! I hope I can entice you to stop again and check out this past week's posts as I see you support challenge sites. We are beginning a brand new challenge this Thursday, Oct 22...The Play Date Cafe all about it on my blog and enter to win blog candy too!
Thanks so much for hosting such a FANTABULOUS was lovely and I WILL be back soon!
Your photos are great! The lighting is perfect... And those little black and white boxes are darling!
Lovely, wicked and delightful! A feast for the senses (my sense of smell has a good imagination) ;)
Great post Kristen! I love the black shoes you were wearing too, and all your decorations were great. Pop over to my place to solve a mystery! Happy Halloween! Take care, Martha
EKKKKK! What a hauntingly wonderful party and story, Kristen!
Wow! I love how you 'hauntified' all your photos!
Your party is amazing! I love your blocks!
Happy Halloween!
Luv that big white pumpkin and your blocks;)
Wonderful party!!! love that ole skeleton key!
What great photos! And I will be looking for your tags on Etsy too!
Thank you for visiting my party and hope you have a wonderful rest of your evening!
I cannot believe you are planning to go back to that party (shudder) That thing behind you sure looked creepy. I don't thing I would want to eat anything in that house. And what do you suppose might be in those boxes??
Great story and pictures.
Thank you for stopping by my place.
Greetings & Salutations, just flying by to see all your pretties & say hello.
What a beautiful green garden house in the backyard...
Thought I'd leave my Halloween Party Extravaganza & Giveaway Link:
Cosmic Blessings With Love & Joy, Lyndy
Absolutely delightful post! I tiptoed from the party, and found myself some lovely ribbon to buy from your Etsy shop. Can't wait to get it. Yum! :)
What a delightful Haunting tale you tell, Loved every spooky second. Thanks for stopping by my party as well!
WOW - Love this post and all the pictures. Sooooo Magical! One of my favorites today. Pop over to my blog for a giveaway.
I still have chills running down my spine. WONDERFUL post from the story to the photos. Oh please tell us how the party goes. BOO2U!
Oh oh oh what a delightfully good party! Wickedly haunting in every way - I loved it!! thnk you for having me!! The pictures were devine!! Beautiful! Happy Halloween, Sarah
real nice story : I wish it happened to me and could party in that lovely house...
Your potionbottles are one of a kind. I love the feeling this is "real"...
greetings from Belgium
PS : a Belgian halloween ?..; feel welcome at my party at
OOH...spooky fun! Love all the "arrangements" of the party here! I had so much fun. Thank you for the invite. Thanks also for coming to my party. Fun Times!
This is one my favorite parties! Perfect. Delightful. THANK YOU!
OMG what a fabulous party! Your art is fantastic. the story. Your photos are amazing. Please enter me in your drawing!
This was a hauntingly great party! You threw an Extravaganza for us! Thanks so much!
I love your photographs, they are beautiful. And thank you for your enchanting story. I loved going on this adventure with you. Happy Halloween!
I totally loved this post. The party was fabulous.
Renee xoxo
What a creative post! Your images are beguiling. The mansion looks almost exactly like one we have here. What fun! Happy Halloween!
Enchanting story with all of the right stuff for a Spooktacular HALLOWEEN BALL! All this HAUNTING is seriously loading my brain with too much information…I want a little of everything please! Adore your pics!!!
Happy Haunts and a Happy Halloween too!!!
A Witch called Annabelle >^..^<
Thanks for stopping by my blog. I thoroughly enjoyed your post and pictures! Delightfully spooky!
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh....SO loving your haunted mansion...what a great party you have going on here yet this morning still! :) to mingle before heading back to the Manor to tend to my own guests that are now eating a feast of a breakfast!
What an awesome post!!! Thank you so much for stopping by mine :-)
Hi, Great Halloween post! Absolutely wonderful Halloween decorations! Happy Halloween to you!
Wow! Your blog is always amazing to me...but you certainly have outdone yourself on this one. Wonderful, and if this doesn't put everyone in the Halloween spirit, nothing will!
You really went to an amazing effort for this blog event and I thank you, it was excellent! The props, the photography and the story were great. Lurrve.
What a creepily beautiful story and party! When I saw the key my first thought was 'don't pick it up!' I am glad you were braver than me though! Happy Halloween!
I am moving in, I have all 7,890 bags packed.
We are coming to live at your haunted Mansion ;)
I LOVE those booooooots!
Super hauntingly fabulous post!
Bwuahahahaaaaaaaa ~ thank you for being a delightful part of the festivities!!
Okay, that was an AMAZING post! Right up there in the top BESTEST spots in the party! And very creepy, just as you wrote "I heard the strains of Monster Mash" (or something like that), that song started playing on your sidebar! OoooooOOOOooh!
Oh my goodness - you are such a talent! Love how this story unfolds and the photos are breathtaking - as are your projects! Thank you for the continued inspiration.
Ohhhhhhhh, I would have run like heck not I been so eager to get to the end! Amazing and the music too! just luved it!
Seriously amazing! I love your storytelling and your displays of bewitching brilliance! Yours is one of the best parties and I have been to over 50!! Great job- and now I am going to follow you!
Thank you!!
Really intriguing tale, have you considered writing a book? And I love the beautiful cards on your blog!
Loved your party!
Thanks for joining in.
Stop by for a visit.
Superb party post! loved all the photos. Happy halloweening :O)
A beautiful and enchanting party. I loved you had Shakespeare too.
Oh my. I just LOVED your party...I am so happy to have gone along with you when you found that key...going into such a magical house is wonderful!! Happy Halloween...
Oh dear! I don't know how it happened, but I failed to leave a comment if it evaporated into thin air...wwwooooo!!
What a frightfully delightfully fun post!!! Your pictures are amazing and your little labels are to die for!!! And Yes! I too would have gone back for the party if only to peek into each and every corner of that gorgeous house ;-).
Happy haunting celebration!!!
xoxo Cori
Thank you for inviting me to such a great Party - It was truly magical.
"Be wary then;best safety lies in fear." W. Shakespeare.
Hope you have a Spooktacular Halloween.
Got to fly.
Fangtastic party!! Loved the music!! Your photos are fabulous!
Thanks for having me.
Stop by mine
Ghoulish! That was spooktacular. Loved it, and the pictures were so haunting.
Happy Halloween!
That was a hauntingly awesome party! Your pictures were amazing!
You really know how to throw a spookfabulous party! I enjoyed every bit of it. The photos were all magical. Loved the black and white boxes and the bottles with lovely tags. Great work! Thanks so much for stopping by my party! Have a great week!
Lisa :)
Beautiful decorations! I loved your story, spooky! Thanks for visiting my blog too! :)
Wonderful party. I adore your decorations, and that was a lovely story. A great time was had by all.
Happy Halloween
What hauntingly beautiful pictures!
Have a spooktacular day.
So pretty! LOve all of the beautiful pictures! Have a Happy Halloween!
Wow! I have a chill in my spine...what a lot of work you put in to this, not only with your own creations but all the photos and story. Thanks for a special treat! :)
Oooh thankyou for this wonderful tale! xx
Very cool party, I love all the photos! Have a frightful Halloween...and hApPY haUnTInG!
Fabulous party! Thanks for the invite and for stopping by ours!
What amazing photos! Your party was one of the best for sure - Happy Halloween!
Day 3 and I'm STILL partying. :) What a lovely blog you have! And I just LOVED your party - the photos are wonderfully spooky and magical. Thanks for stopping by for a visit.
Fabulous party! Kim
It may be Tuesday but I'm still making the party rounds! Great party post! LOVE IT!
Thanks for stopping by my party. See you again soon!
Wow, you just took my breath away! Well done! Hugs Nilla
Sorry to be so late! Your party is beautiful - such beautiful and haunting imagery. Thank you for being a very gracious host. Hope to see you again next year. Until then, have a Happy All Hallows! Hugs, Lisa
Oh dear goodness Mistress Kristen...
I do believe I fainted from the fright. But don't you know I'd have gone back too, arms full of pumpkin pies, just for another glimpse of that House!
How kind of you to invite me along to this most lovely eerie Halloween party. I did so have a wonderful time! .
Please accept my humble apologies for joining your party so late. You see... I was traveling home from New York on Saturday and had no computer access. Now I'm playing catch-up and visiting all of Vanessa's wonderful parties.
Thank you so much for visiting Casa Hice and leaving your little petite footprints on my welcome mat. I hope you will come again, as the door is always open.
And now, I must away and subscribe to your enchanting blog with haste!
Happy Halloween!
Oh, this was an enchanting party!
What fabulous photos and decorations. I'm a little late at making the rounds. My weekend was so full! I think I'll slowly work my way around from now until Halloween!
Lovely, Lovely, Lovely photos!!!!!
Come on over for a party and giveaway!
So sorry I am late, lots of BROOM traffic...LOL!! Oh my, what a spook-tacular party you had! I got goosebumps reading it, but I do have the windows open and it's a cold, dreary morning. You did an outstanding job. Thank you so much for inviting me and stopping by my little shindig.
Happy Haunting!
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